It starts with freeing the mind...
Hey guys, I’m Will, artist, photographer, E-skater and creator of Dexter and the GekkoDek brand. Spending much of my teenage years either on a skateboard or BMX, then much later, mountain bikes, I found myself gravitated to the idea of powered skateboards early in my teens. I mean come on, the simple idea of not having to push yourself along and to have that freedom of range and speed…PURE BLISS!! But back when I first saw this possibility it was a garage built Penny Board with a 2 stroke motor attached. Utterly dangerous AF, but man the possibilities! As I “grew up” this dream never really left me. But as often happens, life got in the way and adulting became my new norm’. My perceived reality superseded my dream. After raising a family of 4 kids into adulthood, powered skateboards came back into my periphery quite by chance and after enduring more challenges than most would survive, my life changed forever, and for the better. I purchased my first electric skateboard in early 2023 as a way to heal and improve myself, to escape the need for the walking stick I’d come to rely on. This fantastic device began healing me instantly. Physically & mentally. It became my daily meditation…
On one of my daily rides, I was being unconsciously pulled to the idea that I needed to be involved in this industry. Not just as a rider, but as a contributor. I wanted to give back to the industry, to you guys, to this fantastic global community. After all, in an incredibly short time, E-skating had given me so much. It freed me, quietened my mind and, quite literally saved me.
Being an artist and visual creative my whole life, it made perfect sense to marry those lifelong skills and passion with this significant part of my new journey…and GekkoDek was born.

Meet DeXter
This is DeX, he’s the face of my brand. The identity of GekkoDek, and the driving force behind my ideas and creative outbursts. This cheeky little shi*t …dude…is kind of my alter ego. All the things I used to be, and more, prior to rediscovering my freedom on an E-skate.
This manic little window licker will, like a toddler on a sugar high, often annoy me at the most inconvenient times with genius brainiac ideas or utterly useless ‘shinanigans’. Either way, he has a pretty big heart. Dexter, often loses his grip of reality, but NEVER his board.